I am honestly in shock, jaw dropping shock at the amount of people who viewed and shared my
dog food post about how we meal plan and grocery shop. It has inspired me to post once again about our every other week shopping trip. Yesterday was shopping day. Honestly I'm impressed by how well we did since it has been 3 weeks since a big shopping trip. I did manage to sneak in a gallon of milk and some bananas while picking up cold medicine last week but that was it! Yes our house had been plagued with some virus that has overstayed it's unwelcomed visit. Of course it would happen to be me that it decided it like the best and has been with me for over a week. Thankfully it's leaving! And since I was feeling better this past weekend Mr. Bacon and I sat down with a cup of joe and discussed our meal plan.
This time the kids didn't want to stick around to discuss our upcoming meal plan, I guess there was some big construction of lego garages in process in the basement! But before they headed to put on hard hats, we asked what meals they would like in the next two weeks. What did our charming kids request? You might be surprised to see for once tacos didn't make our meal plan list! However the other usual requests that made their way were pizza, pancakes, and spaghetti. I'm ok with that!
So what is our meal plan for the next two weeks?
Here is the dinner meal plan. This went from Sunday October 16th- October 29th (yes we didn't grocery shop until Tuesday!)
Week 1:
homemade pizza & garlic bread
Muffin tin meals (a kid favorite on busy nights! Mr. Bacon, Bacon Bit and I had left over Chicken cordon blue that Mr. Bacon made the other night while I worked)
*Chicken and noodles, peas
Nancy's Meatloaf, Baked potatoes, squash and corn
Slow cooker country pork chops (pork, potatoes, and carrots)
*Lasagna, Salad, biscuits
*Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo, bread sticks
Week 2:
Veggie beef soup and sandwiches
*Beef Stroganoff over Mashed potatoes, Mixed Veggies
*Chicken supreme and Normandy blend veggies
*Baked potato bar, Soup (leftover)
Pancakes & Fresh fruit
Ham and Hash brown bake, Green beans
*Spaghetti, Salad, & Garlic bread
Breakfasts standards:
muffins, eggs, pancakes, waffles, cereal, breakfast breads, toast
Lunches standards:
Leftovers, sandwiches, tuna, soup, hot dogs, homemade pizza
Snacks that I have planned:
Muffins, animal crackers (still working on that big tub we bought from Sam's Club!), homemade cookies, homemade granola bars, pudding, homemade yogurt, yogurt or pudding pops, fruit,
Sounds pretty good right? Not too hard at all. Like normal breakfast, lunch and snacks around here are pretty laid back. It's more the dinner meals that I need to actually plan out. So now that we have the food planned, it was time to make my handy list. I NEVER go shopping with out one! It would be way too dangerous if I did. Now since my last post Mr. Bacon and I have decided to increase our every two week grocery budget by $10. That means we can spend up to $90 every 2 weeks on our everyday grocery needs. Remember we set out $40 a month for food from Sam's Club (and shop there every 3 months, so we spend about $120). This pretty much buys our meat, pizza supplies, and frozen veggies. So our monthly total for groceries for the 6 of us is now $220.
On to the shopping trip!
Ma Bacon's Shopping list with prices included:
Onion powder- $.50
seasoning salt-$1.68
egg noodles -$1.68
cream of chicken soup x 5-$5
cream of mushroom soup -$1
bacon -$3.98
sour cream-$1.50
shredded hash browns-$1.97
shredded cheese $4.64
spaghetti sauce-$1.33
hot dogs-$ .88
chicken deli lunch meat about 1# $5.10
1 dozen eggs-$1.68
2 packs margarine-$1.84
potatoes 10# $3.28
2# carrots-$1.12
onion x1-$.91
celery $1.28
apples- $3.68
2# bananas $1
grapes 2.5#- $4.20
squash -$3.83
milk x 2 gallons $5.34
2 loafs bread $3
1 box cereal- $2.32
2 frozen apple juice-$1.84
1 box pudding mix -$1.08
corned beef x2- $1.56
provolone sliced cheese-$3.38
almond milk $2.99
Creamer $1.99
total on list: $76.96!
what we bought that was not on the list:
Mandarin oranges $1.66
Mini recess pieces (for granola bars) $1.88
pail of vanilla ice cream $5.98 (we are having a party for Little Miss Bacon's 6th birthday soon!)
hot dog buns $1.25
Grand Total for 2 weeks Groceries $87.73
Everything else we had in the house already for making the rest of our meals. Remember we picked up Ground beef, chicken breasts, and pork chops from Sam's Club. And the ham for the hash brown bake I found left over from Easter yet! Thank goodness I used my food saver, it looks as good as the day I packaged it! I love shopping my pantry and freezer first! It saves us so much money and that food we bought actually gets used before it expires.
That wasn't a bad shopping trip. Especially since we lasted three weeks since our last one. I think having everyone in the house sick for a week helped our budget. No one felt like eating much, but I'd rather buy groceries than have everyone sick! I'm actually having fun doing the grocery shopping/ meal planning posts. I have a feeling they will continue more often in my future! I will be posting some recipes from a few of the meals on the menu plan too so please check back for those!