So where do you start?
First start with the homemade pizza crust recipe that I love so much. Really pizza crust in under 15 is unbelievable! I love how it tastes too. Mix it up and let it rise. Then divide the dough into 4 equal parts. Take your trusty dough roller or just flatten it out with your hands. If you're a daredevil and have just washed your floors, give it a toss in the air and pretend you're in a fancy pizzeria! Once you get your dough ball rolled out, place it on a greased cookie sheet. I added cornmeal to the one in the picture to help get the dough off the pan when I needed it, but soon realized it came off just fine with the greased pan so feel free to skip that step!
Next gather your toppings.
You'll need some sauce, cheese and a dish of olive oil. The rest is up to you for what to add. The kids wanted just pepperoni. Mr. Bacon and I added some fresh sliced mushrooms and black olives to ours.
Now it's time to head out to the grill! Heat your grill to med. heat. Mr. Bacon said he heated ours to about 375* give or take. I don't think I'd heat hotter than this temp, lower is fine, it will just take a bit longer to cook the pizza. Next take your olive oil and add a bit to your dough. Spread it around. You want to make sure you coat it enough so it doesn't stick to the grill, but not enough so the oil is dripping off the dough.
Once the dough is oiled, it's time to put it on the hot grill. Gently pick up the dough. Be careful because it will stretch out. Misshapen dough is ok! But dough with holes are super thin spots just makes it not look as pretty! It also can make the dough burn. Place the dough on the grill oiled side down.
Close the lid of the grill. After about 3-4 minutes, take a peak at your dough. When you start to see it bubble it's time to flip! Now there is a trick to flipping the dough. We tested out grill tongs, it didn't work. They had too sharp of 'teeth' on the one's we tried and it just tore the dough apart. Instead we opted to use our gigantic spatula. It came with the pizza stone when I bought it. It works wonderful. Either will do the trick to flip the dough if you are careful. If you only have tongs, try to find ones without sharp 'teeth'. All flipped... OH look at those grill marks! (Sorry for the corner of the spatula, I blame Mr. Bacon!)
Next toss on the toppings. This step we found you want to work fast for. For one because these pizzas cook fast, but mainly because you are sticking your hands into hot 375* heat! Spread on some pizza sauce, add the other goodies and top it with cheese, then close the lid again. After another 3-4 minutes take a peek at the pizza's. At this point you are just wanting the cheese to melt. Once it looks ooey, gooey and delicious, it's time to scoop it off the grill! See our big pizza scoop!
Take it inside, let it cool for a few minutes and cut into slices. I like to top mine at this point with some fresh grated Parmesan cheese! It's the perfect pizza dinner!
It's the perfect pizza dinner! I hope you enjoy yours as much as we did ours!
I think I need a mop to mop up all the :-P---- Those look yummy
ReplyDeleteThat's it. Our family is packing our bags. We're coming to live with you!!!!
ReplyDeleteKatie- I'll get the pillows fluffed and ready! :) you can come anytime!
ReplyDeleteTried it and my granddaughter loved it. Just wish there wasn't a huge advertisement in the middle of the instructions.