What do I feed my toddler? Hard to believe Bacon bit is almost one! Where did the last year go? He has grown so much and has also become Mr. Independent. Which means he no longer is happy eating those cute
little cubes I used to make for him. Thankfully I have been able to use the cube trays for other things, like
coffee. So what do you feed your toddler who doesn't want to eat mashed up food any longer. No I just can't stomach (the price or the taste!) buying those pre-made 'toddler' meals they sell along side the baby food either.

For the most part Bacon Bit gets what ever we are having, just cut up really small. Tonight he had steak, taters and carrots from our garden! Nope he doesn't even have teeth either. It's a myth that babies must have teeth before they eat meat, if you've ever been bit by that gummy grin you know what I'm talking about! But there are still some foods that make him a bit fussy. There's also the vegetable problem. It seems every time one of our kids turned into a toddler and left the saucy puree stage so did their vegetable consumption! They tended to fill the void with a lot more fruits. Which lead to bigger problems down the road. Like Miss Bacon (She told me I'm no longer allowed to use 'little' for her name because she has learned how to ride a two wheel bike now and is all grown up! Oh how I love how kids minds work! She's always going to be my baby girl though.) she thought every time we placed a vegetable on her place we are giving her poison. It's gotten better this last year thankfully, but it's been a long three year battle with her. So to hopefully prevent going though this with Bacon bit, I'm keeping more veggies around!
This is one way to keep them on his plate, or in his case, tray- Not so cute little cubes! I have been taking the veggies and baking or steaming them like I would for making the puree.
Instead of blending them up, I've been dicing them and laying them on wax paper covered baking sheets in the freezer. Once frozen, pop them in a baggie and toss in the freezer. By laying them flat they don't freeze together in one big chunk and I can easily scoop out a few for his meal.
Pretty darn easy! Way less time consuming than making puree. I've also been dicing up any extra meat we've had left over from dinner and freezing that too. It's a great way to have quick easy lunches ready for him. I know what has gone into making it and know it's healthy for him unlike some of those meals they have ready to eat for a toddler. And he's use to my cooking already, which is an added bonus, I know he'll actually LIKE what I'm giving him. Now if I could only get him to stop throwing his food on the floor! I'm pretty sure that's a lost battle.
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